Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a BIG THANK YOU to a super cool girl over at Delightfully Noted

A few months back I got in contact with a blogger named Jennifer, long story short we quickly connected over a quick e-mail exchange about my Gigantic Spin Art machine.  I made her a shirt and she kindly featured me on her blog Delightfully Noted!!  She is a funny girl and always has something fantastic to share. So I wanted to send her a BIG THANKS.  I am such a newbie at this blogging stuff, but it has really been something I look forward to doing everyday!  So click on the link above and give her a visit!

1 comment:

PattonBear said...

Hi! I want one too! what is the name of the machine? i can't seem to find anything under Spin Art Machine that is remotely close!