Monday, June 4, 2012

Thrift Store Jello Mould!!

     This afternoon, while the boys(husband&son) were napping, I headed off to run some errands.  I went to Whole Foods in search of some ingredients. I was looking for the ingredients to make a healthier version of  to Jello.  I loved it as a kid! I want Herc to enjoy it, without all the sugars, artificial flavours, and food coloring. You can go sugar free, but that stuff isn't so good for you. So, I found Jel Dessert. It's a vegan Jello made by Natural Desserts. Then, I grabbed some Santa Cruz Organic Berry Nectar. I grabbed a few other things, and headed to Goodwill to see what I could see. All right, this is where it gets WEIRD. I found a vintage gelatin mould for $2.99! WHAT WHAT!! On a side note, I copped a pretty great vintage dress as well.  So, just before dinner this afternoon I made the nouveau Jello.  It was delicious! Now, don't expect it to satisfy a full on Jello craving when Jello is the scratch that needs to be itched, but it delivers.  It's perfectly sweet, and quivers on the spoon. We threw some organic blueberry's on top, and it made our night. If you get a craving, try this on for size. Here is the recipe:

1 Box of Jel Desserts Unflavoured, Unsweetened (Its Kosher,and Vegan.)
2 cups of any fruit juice (some juices won't work, read the box of Jel Dessert for what to avoid)

Bring juice to a boil, then add the Jel Dessert to the juice in the pot. Whisk until it is all dissolved. You can pour in a bowl, or place in a mould. I used a glass mould, so before I poured the fruit Jel Dessert in, I sprayed the inside of the mould lightly with cooking spray.  It says to work quickly on the box because the Jel Dessert starts to form.   Put in the refrigerator for a few hours and Enjoy!

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