One of the things I am most excited about for the wedding is the dance off. Dance off? Yes, DANCE OFF! Oh I can't wait. We are encouraging our friends and family to, well put a little routine together: Music, choreography and wardrobe! As for me, I am preparing. I'm probably a little more excited to get my dream high top sneakers for the dance off then my actual dress. Did I say that out loud, can't really blame my mom for thinking I'm wierd. When John and I started dating he surprised me out one night in Chicago. I was at Celebrity a hip hop lounge with my best friend Helen. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was looking all fine with gold peek-a-boo heels, skinny jeans, a white wife beater(tank top) hair, make-up and jew-ry. He showed up in his white button down short sleeve shirt, shorts and flip flops-tan and handsome. As soon as I saw him I remember lighting up. That night he didn't stay very long, he stayed long enough to dance. We danced for about 30 minutes to hip hop and R&B, it was like everybody disappeared and we just meshed. After he left two girls came up to me and said "How they loved watching us dance!" We love music and dancing and that is definitely something we like to share with each other. So bring you dancing shoes cause IT IS ON!